
Heroes of Barcadia

Created by Rollacrit

A pun-tastic, tile-based, dungeon-crawling, party tabletop game with a liquid twist — your health is measured by your drink!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Riddle me this, Barcadians…
over 1 year ago – Thu, Aug 04, 2022 at 06:31:27 AM

Why is it when you send something via car, it’s called a shipment, but if you send something on a ship, it’s called cargo? These are the deep thoughts we’re pondering as we tell you that Heroes of Barcadia has officially entered the global shipping phase!

Project Status Chart

As you’re reading this, container ships are making their way toward the ports of Australia, the EU, and Great Britain, filled to the brim with the game you’ve been patiently waiting for since taking a chance on our campaign last year. We don’t have live footage of the ships, but if we did, we imagine it would look something like this:

We're on a boat!

While this news is no doubt exciting for many of you, we know others will have questions.

But what about the ship to *my* country/continent?

If you don’t see your country/continent above, we are currently waiting for the ship to load the containers with your games and set sail. As of this update, we are still on target to deliver in September, this is just something that happens during this point in the shipping process we’re at and unfortunately that includes still being at the mercy of the global supply chain and their Illuminati like ways!

You *did* list my country/continent, where is my game?

If you’re in Australia, the EU, or Great Britain, your game is on its way to port. Once the ship arrives, it will still have to be unloaded and delivered to our distribution partners. From there, it will be shipped to you!

Hey, speaking of shipping, is it too late to change my shipping address?

No, but please don’t wait! You can verify your shipping address by logging into Backerkit at If you need a new backer survey, you can visit this link:

Yeah, but I heard that copies of Heroes of Barcadia were spotted at Gen Con?!

Yeah it was! Heroes of Barcadia *has* made its way to Gen Con in Indianapolis, Indiana, *but* there’s a catch: they’re not for sale. If you’re attending the show in person, Heroes of Barcadia is available to demo, live and in person, in the Double Exposure First Exposure Test Hall, in the Wabash Lobby. Click here to make a reservation to play! The first 35 people to demo HoB each day will receive a button featuring Maltilda The Stout-Hearted from the Party Pack Add-On. And anyone that demos HoB during the show will receive a badge ribbon.

Complete your Heroes of Barcadia button set by following us on social (@Rollacrit). Every morning, we’ll share a SECRET PASSWORD. Come to the Official Gen Con Store in the Wabash Lobby, find a Rollacrit employee, share that day’s password, and receive a Tipple The Half Pint button. Thursday through Sunday, your favorite Barcadians from the base game will actually be roaming the convention hall. We’ll let you know who to look out for on social every morning. When you find them, snap a photo and get their button. All buttons are while supplies last.

We can’t wait to see some of you at Gen Con this week and we can’t wait for those ships to arrive on your shores!

As always, thank you for your support and your thirst for adventure!

Let the Great Sorting Commence!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 02, 2022 at 12:44:09 AM

Project Status

Greetings Adventurers!

As you can see from the all powerful Project Status chart, all of our production has been completed, and we are in the process of sorting your glorious games and add-ons! They will be embarking on what Barcadians like to call “boats,” and are eagerly awaiting their day of arrival at your door!

Convention News

Cheers to those of you who went to Origins Game Fair and were among the first to rescue the Drink Hoard from the Grand Drink Guardian! Feast your eyes upon these newly crowned Heroes of Barcadia:

Heroes of Barcadia @ Origins '22
Heroes of Barcadia @ Origins '22

If you couldn’t attend, don’t worry. We have something planned for Gen Con 2022 as well! We’re working with our partners once more to guide you through the mysterious, sprawling dungeons of Barcadia. Stop by the First Exposure hall C/D to see gameplay (and maybe even play yourself)!

While you’re at Gen Con, we’ll have exclusive prizes to create an even more grand adventure for your party. We’ll post more details as the show draws closer, so keep a lookout on our social channels!

As the fateful shipping day comes ever closer, we also have some housekeeping to do. Since we are getting very close to Heroes of Barcadia starting its journey across the sea, please check your Backerkit account at to verify your shipping address is up to date. And if you need to get another survey link sent, you can always do so at

We’re so looking forward to getting these games into your hands as soon as we can!

Thank you for your support and your thirst for adventure.

Brewing Plans for Oktoberfest?
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Jun 06, 2022 at 10:44:01 PM

Greetings Adventurers!

Grab your nearest glass, mug, or chalice because we have something to celebrate!

First, you'll notice our Global Testing is now complete for our Add-ons! Second, the latest updates from our production and shipping partners have Heroes of Barcadia arriving on U.S. shores in late August. This means deliveries of the game can start in September! So start airing out your Lederhosen and dry-cleaning your Dirndl!

It’s been a long few weeks of production and we had a few issues with the quality of the Party Pack cards, but alas — we’ve run off the troll that was sabotaging the production line.

Check out the level of quality you WON’T be getting. Not on our watch.

We’re heading into the home stretch and we’re excited to get Heroes of Barcadia into your hands. As we get closer to sending out the games, we’ll also begin locking in addresses on BackerKit, so keep an eye out for those emails to confirm where we’re sending things.

Thank you for your support and your thirst for adventure!

Lucky Friday the 13th!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, May 17, 2022 at 06:23:19 PM

Chart of Progress

There’s nothing unlucky about today’s update!

The chart of progress still remains the same as the last update. We're in FULL production and should be completed very soon. Shipping is still on target for Q3 and we’ll have a better idea of dates once production wraps.

Some of you asked about the coins in our last update. You can get an up-close look at them in our March 25 update but here they are, stacked packed, and quivering with anticipation to join the other add-ons for shipping to all you champions of Barcadia!

Coin of Conflict Resolution
Coin of Conflict Resolution Envelopes

We have thousands of hand-packed Coins of Conflict Resolution and Coins of Magic Pourtals being finished up at Shire Post Mint and we can’t wait to get them in your hands.

Happy Friday the 13th and keep an eye out for hockey mask-wearing baddies; we’ve already got enough monsters running around Barcadia.

Thank you for your support and your thirst for adventure!

A Ton of Good News
about 2 years ago – Sun, Apr 24, 2022 at 09:56:51 PM

Happy Q2, everyone! We must have rolled a Nat 20 in the luck department this month because we’ve got a ton of great news in this update. First up — the chart of progress!

Chart of Progress

As you can see, all our add-ons are now officially in full production! Countless hours of testing have finally paid off as our add-ons are being created.

We’ve added the stretch goal tiles and cards to the Roll20 version of the game and are moving to the testing phase. We’re still planning to launch the Roll20 version with the physical game.

All that to say, Heroes of Barcadia is still on track for a Q3 delivery date. We know nothing is certain in these post-pandemic-maybe-still-a-pandemic-does-anyone-REALLY-know-what’s-going-on times, but this is where we are as of this update.

One thing we are certain of is that Rollacrit turned two this week! As we enter our terrible twos, we’re looking forward to 1. Delivering Heroes of Barcadia to all you thirsty adventurers and 2. Other stuff?

Now, no more words. Look at these pictures!

Potion Opener

Glass Pint Set featuring Absinthia, Sir Drankalot, Merlot, and Keggar
Absinthia Pint Glass
Included Cups featuring Intoxica, Maltilda, Tipple, and Flaskian
Intoxica Included Cup
Coin of Magic Pourtals Front
Coin of Magic Pourtals Back

Thank you for your support and your thirst for adventure!