A pun-tastic, tile-based, dungeon-crawling, party tabletop game with a liquid twist — your health is measured by your drink!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
The BackerKit Survey. That's It. That's the Update.
over 3 years ago
– Fri, Oct 08, 2021 at 08:01:30 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
Willkommen to the Oktoberfest Update, Ja!!!
over 3 years ago
– Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 01:12:25 AM
Happy Oktoberfest, everyone!
While the cancellation of the biggest Volksfest this year left us feeling like our own Drink Hoard had been stolen (shakes fist in the air), we still wanted to celebrate in our own way... with exciting news. Heroes of Barcadia is making great progress! We're currently combing through the rule sheet and everything else to make sure all of our "i's are dotted," and "t's are crossed." Then we'll send them to get printed. It's both exciting and terrifying because we want to make sure your games are as perfect as possible. We still have a ways to go, but we're getting there. :)
Heroes of Barcadia Debut at Gen Con
In case you missed our last update—we just got back from Gen Con! Not only were we Gen Con's official "Shoppe," we also debuted Heroes of Barcadia at the convention. We even got to meet some of our incredible HoB Backers in person, which was a really cool experience. To those of you who came by to say "hello," THANK YOU. We had a great time!
BackerKit Update
And now it's time for a BackerKit update. For this announcement, we're going to turn it over to Intoxica. Take it away!
"Hello, adventurers! I'm Intoxica the Necromixer. When I'm not raiding dungeons to reclaim what RIGHTFULLY belongs to me, I enjoy looking at surveys. And speaking of surveys... I recently found out that 82% of our backers have completed their BackerKit surveys. Thank you!!! (You should be clapping right now.) For those who are in the remaining 18%, please check your emails and complete your survey to ensure prompt delivery. If you don't, I'll have to summon the dark spirits to tear your —"
THANK YOU, Intoxica!!!! In the future, though, please try to refrain from threatening our wonderful backers.
"I'll consider it."
Great... anyway, stay tuned for the next Heroes of Barcadia update!
Know someone who wanted the game but missed the Kickstarter? Anyone who didnot back Heroes of Barcadia can now pre-order the game on the Heroes of Barcadia Pre-Order Store.
The Pledge Manager is Live!!!!
over 3 years ago
– Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 08:17:17 AM
It's time!!! The Pledge Manager is now live on BackerKit!
What is aPledge Manager?
Now that our HoB Kickstarter is over, it's essential to keep all the very important stuff together. BackerKit helps put all those pieces in one nice, clean web portal called a Pledge Manager. It helps creators like us keep everything organized, and backers like you get a clear view of everything you're getting to keep order information accurate.
What Does This Mean?
Everyone who backed the campaign at any Pledge Tier will be receiving an email invitation with a unique link to access your specific pledge details. Here you'll be able to access all of the items that were unlocked during the campaign (Kickstarter Exclusive items and Add-Ons) and confirm all the necessary information (shipping address and billing info) to make sure your items get to where they need to go. So, if you wanted to buy an extra copy of the game, purchase a slick Coin of Magic Pourtals made by Shire Post Mint, or need to update a shipping address because you moved, your link will give you the access you need.
What's Not in the Pledge Manager?
The downloadable content for Roll20 and the STL files are still in the works. The Roll20 keys are expected to be released before the end of 2021 for both the Base Game and Party Pack expansion (programing and testing will take a bit with all the new content that was unlocked). The STL files will be made available alongside the delivery of the physical game. We will be using BackerKit to distribute this content in the future, so stay tuned for additional email updates regarding these items.
Important Survey Information
We're sending out the backer surveys in waves, so keep an eye on your inbox (and spam folder) throughout the coming days. If you haven't received an invitation by August 31st (again, check your spam folder), send us a message through Kickstarter.
And, most importantly, don't forget to add some Bitchin' Add-Ons:
Know someone who wanted the game but missed the Kickstarter? Anyone who didnot back Heroes of Barcadia can now pre-order the game on the Heroes of Barcadia Pre-Order Store.
Keep An Eye Out For The Pledge Manager - Coming NEXT WEEK
over 3 years ago
– Sat, Aug 21, 2021 at 03:48:53 AM
Good news! Our Pledge Manager is coming soon! In fact, you should be getting something inviting you to access the Pledge Manager next week.
In addition to launching the Pledge Manager, we’ve also been working on some fun stuff…
Are you ready?
We've got some new add-ons that you can select through the Pledge Manager! Take a look at the DIY Booster Pack and a Standalone Dice Set.
DIY Booster Pack
Since you had so many ideas during our Kickstarter, we’re giving you the chance to customize Barcadia your way. Seize magical powers that give you influence over reality itself with 3 DIY House Rule Cards and 7 DIY Loot Cards. Create something fun… or evil. It’s your choice.
Standalone Dice
Any dice collectors out there? Whether you love the designs so much you want to display them, or if you'd like to have an extra set of dice just in case, you’re in luck. We’re bringing extra dice to the Add-On level in the Pledge Manager.
Keep an eye out for your Pledge Manager email — coming soon! Once the invites are out, we'll make sure to send out an Update so you know it's available. Although they start rolling out early next week, you might receive yours a bit later, because there are so many of you! So, watch vigilantly and patiently. If you haven't received your invitation by August 31 (check your spam folder just to be certain), send us a message on our Kickstarter page and we’ll investigate.
And now this:
A Long Awaited Update
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Aug 04, 2021 at 02:50:40 AM
Hello Barcadians! It's been about a month since the end of the Kickstarter, and we hope you’ve managed to stay hydrated.
On our end, we couldn't be more excited to be moving things forward! There's already been some exciting updates that have come through with some of our partners, like Shire Post Mint, and we'll be sending those tidbits out in a future update. We've also been reading through many of the comments and wanted to address a couple of questions here:
The Pledge Manager
First off, you haven't missed it! We know that there are a lot of people excited to get in on this great game, and we want to make sure that everything is buttoned up before we launch it on new platform, BackerKit. This means that in the next couple of weeks, you'll be seeing it go live! The reason we're waiting to launch the Pledge Manager is to finalize some shipping costs and give you the most accurate shipping estimates possible.
Once the Pledge Manager is live, you'll be able to do a lot of the things you're asking about, like add multiple copies of the game, uprgrade your pledge, or select new/additional add-ons. This is why we want to make sure it's set up perfectly. We know that some people had issues with navigating the different tiers and add-ons during the Kickstarter campaign, and we want to make this easy for everyone who gets into the BackerKit portal.
When's it gonna ship?
We're also seeing questions about the estimated delivery date since the campaign was a bit more successful than we initially thought. Some of you who are also board game afficianados are familiar with the struggles other Kickstarter campaigns are going through with the current global shipping situation. We're happy to inform everyone that we are still confident that the target date of March 2022 is achievable.
We're working with some amazing partners regarding production and fulfillment, and we will continue to provide updates around the shipping timeframe if it needs to be adjusted for reasons out of our control, but everything seems to be on track for our initial release date.
Congratulations! You've reached the bottom of our update. Here's a reward: